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Audits Under Uniform Guidance for Commercial and For-Profit Entities

Compliance with federal grants is difficult and can be a huge administrative burden—navigating the process successfully can enhance your funding opportunities and streamline organizational efficiencies.

As an early-stage company or an established startup, compliance with the grant term requirements evolve based on the types and award phase you are in and what agencies you are working with. Being unaware of the complexities of these awards can be detrimental to your organization and potential for receiving future awards. 

Working with EisnerAmper allows you to focus on the science and research. We eliminate your administrative burden by building streamlined processes to meet the compliance requirements, allowing you to concentrate on growing your company. 

We Understand Your Unique Challenges

1. Establishing an accounting system that meets certified requirements

2. Meeting the compliance requirements of the grant and following the Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”) matrix

3. Reporting in accordance with the federal agency requirements

4. Meeting the audit requirements under Title 2 CFR Subpart F

Ready to Help You Grow

Grant recipients turn to EisnerAmper for customizable solutions that meet their evolving needs. Preparing for your initial grant awards through commercialization, we provide comprehensive support, including training, system evaluation, expenditure tracking, workforce management, compliance administration, and integrated reporting.  

Getting Started

Our start-up package provides training and system evaluation to get you started when you are awarded your first grant.  

  • Grant identification and grant writing to expand your funding
  • Review of your current awards and examinations of individual compliance terms
  • Review and assistance in documenting policies and procedures
  • Review internal controls and then general process and procedures around tracking and reporting around awards

Accelerate Growth

As you receive multiple Phase I awards or as you move into Phase II awards, you will need to track annual expenditures, consider the impacts of expanding your workforce, and monitoring subrecipients or subcontractors. It can also mean dealing with multiple compliance terms and reporting requirements.  

  • Assistance with indirect rate calculations
  • Tools to assist with labor and overhead allocations
  • Best practice in monitorring expenditures and tracking budget-to-actuals
  • Tracking tools for technical and financial reporting
  • Accounting system Certification audits
  • Program-specific audits

Operational Solutions

With multiple awards, an established workforce, and commercialization on the horizon, we can assist in streamlining the grant tracking and reporting process and integrate into your operational reporting package.  

  • Ongoing internal control structure review
  • GAAP compliance and financial reporting
  • Audit of indirect cost rates
  • Single Audits under the Uniform Guidance
  • Transition from cash to accural basis of accounting 
  • Revisions to internal controls for expanded workforce
  • Monitoring and risk assessments of your subrecipients
  • Best practices in monitoring sub-recepients

In addition to providing compliance audits under uniform guidance, we offer grant administration consulting services for organizations considering or already receiving federal grant funding. From initial setup, often led by a founder or scientist, to growth stages involving a CFO or controller, we support you along your journey. Companies in advanced phases can also benefit from our expertise in navigating compliance matrices. 

What's on Your Mind?

Lauren E. Joyce

Lauren E. Joyce is a Partner in the firm. With over 15 years of experience, Lauren specializes in providing audit services.


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Life Sciences Startups