New Jersey Paid Sick Leave Act: What You Need to Know
- Published
- Dec 13, 2018
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On May 4, 2018, Governor Murphy signed into law the New Jersey Paid Sick Leave Act which went into effect on October 29, 2018. This act requires employers to provide one hour of sick leave for all employees, which include full/part time and per diem, for every 30 hours worked with a maximum accumulation of up to 40 hours during a benefit/fiscal year, which is chosen by the employer. The law also allows the employee to carry-over up to a maximum of 40 hours of unused sick leave. Employers also have the option to payout the unused sick time.
There are five reasons employees are allowed to use sick leave, according to the act:
- Employee’s own personal medical treatment, diagnosis, recovery or preventative care.
- If the workplace, school, or child care center is closed by order of a public official due to public health emergency or if the health of an employee or family member could have negative impacts on the health of others.
- To attend school-related activities (meetings, conferences or functions) that are requested or required by a school.
- A family member’s (the state defines a family member as “any person with whom the employee has a significant personal bond that is, or is like, a family relationship, regardless of biological or legal relationship”) need for medical treatment, diagnosis, recovery or preventative care.
- A family member or employee’s need for medical attention, legal service related to an incident of sexual or domestic violence.
As of the writing of this post, there are still specifics and technical items of the law to be ironed out. As always, speak to a qualified professional advisor to keep your organization in compliance with the act.
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