Emotional Intelligence Profile (EQP) Assessment
- Published
- Dec 3, 2021
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EQ is about 80% of our success in business. What is it? Why is it important? How do you measure it? Natalie McVeigh and Matthew Kerzner, Managing Directors in the Center for Individual & Organizational Performance, answer these questions and discuss how it relates to sustainable behavioral change.
Matt Kerzner: Hello, I'm Matt Kerzner, and I'm the director in the Center for Individual and Organizational Performance. And I'm excited today to work with my colleague, Natalie McVeigh, and she is also a director within the center. And as part of our CIOP podcast series, I'm delighted to have Natalie here today. Natalie, thank you for joining me today.
Natalie McVeigh: Thanks, Matt. I'm excited to be here.
MK: That's excellent. And we've talked in general in previous podcasts about all the different types of assessments, generally. And then we're starting to drill down on different assessments that we offer in the center. And today, we're going to talk a little bit about this emotional intelligence profile, or better known as EQP. What is it?
NM: Emotional intelligence is several different things, but it's our ability to regulate our own self, as well as understand other people's emotions. It's that self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, social regulation, and motivation. It's really important because up to 80% of success has been estimated to be not just our intelligence, but how we implement that. We like to say that you hire people for performance and you fire them for personality. This gets to how I can change my own personality.
MK:That's excellent. What happens if we've done several assessments and we seem to keep having the same behavior all the time, repeated behavior? What do we do?
NM: Yeah. And so a lot of the assessments you know, or commonly hear about are what's called descriptive assessments. They describe how you are behaving today. And then there's some that are predictive that say what you can do. And those are really set in stone. "I'm going to behave this way till forever." If I have a temper, let's just say for argument's sake, I have a temper, so when I get frustrated, I can get quiet, or sometimes I can lash out, and I'm going to do that over and over and over again. You can give me a million assessments to tell me about that, about myself. And I know it. I absolutely know it, and I hate it, but I keep doing it. The emotional intelligence profile is useful. And why are we doing the repeated behaviors? It's what's under the hood that's really important to understand, versus just, what are you doing? When you're ready to make change, this EQP is the right assessment for you.
MK:That's great. Now, I do think that it's important for our audience to understand the difference between IQ and EQ, just in general for a minute. Can you just talk a little bit about this assessment? Is it getting into IQ, or is it more of the emotional intelligence?
NM: It's more of the emotional intelligence. Your IQ is pretty much set in life. There are two ways it can change, but for the most part, that's standard. That is just my own knowledge. My emotional intelligence can change throughout my lifetime. You've all heard about neuroplasticity. That's really emotional intelligence. The challenge is emotional intelligence. Real neuroplastic change takes 18 months. It's not as simple as, "Tell me the report and what I should do, and I'll make that change."
MK: Excellent. Why is this assessment so powerful?
NM: This assessment is so powerful, and it's very different than any other assessment out there because it's not a self-report, it's not just a survey online, even though they're validated by psychometrics. It's videos. Prior to the world, and we were all doing Zoom conferences, it was like a Zoom conference, where someone is talking to you very close. You can see their mirror neurons about a situation. You fired them, or you got promoted over them, something that would be considered challenging for many people. And you have a genuine emotional response that you then fill out at the time. And what the report gives you is some in-depth knowledge about our own orientation and our own internal experience under stress in between people.
MK:That's excellent. What are the uses for this assessment?
NM: This assessment can be used in marriages. It's very helpful to understand my emotional profile, my adult attachment, myself, or other orientation. That's the difference between me and you when we're having conflict. It's absolutely used as an individual. It's not usually the assessment we start with, but any client that wants to make substantive change, eventually, we use this emotional intelligence profile, because when you're stuck, you're stuck because of this. I've even worked with my own coaching colleagues over the years, who've done amazing work on themselves, said that they've done assessments and there's nothing left to learn.
And every single one of them have used the term transformational when they used this, CFOs, family office staff that have to have intimate relationships. And more importantly, this assessment is so wonderful, and I'm so excited about this. They just launched a team certification that our assessment center is certified in, where there's a way to use this with teams, powerfully, especially intimate teams, to understand why you might continue to perform instead of strategize, or just strategize all day and have a hard time executing.
MK:Now, you said that EQ can be developed over time, right? I can keep developing and growing my EQ. Do you recommend taking the emotional intelligence, the EQP, and over a period of time, retaking it to see if there is a significant difference in change? I'm just curious of your expertise in this and what you recommend.
NM: You could. Absolutely. Now, they say it's good for 10 years. I would agree about that, unless you do substantive work. If you created a coaching program, you had a coach who was helping you or certified in this over 18 months, and I have done this with clients before, taking the assessment after that to really see the change. But if you're trying in six months or without having created a real program, that's the other piece about the assessment. Once you take it, there's a handbook with it. You get a custom binder of resources. If you have high shame, it's addressing that. It's so powerful and the resources are almost endless with it. So, yes and no, Matt. Absolutely, I would say you can under certain circumstances.
MK:That's great. Well, Natalie, thank you so much for taking the time out to be part of our podcast series. It was a pleasure talking with you today. And for our audience, if you'd like to have some more information, we have plenty of this information on our website. Please visit eisneramper.com/ciop. Natalie, thank you for being with us today.
NM: Thanks, Matt.
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