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Determining the proper taxation of a business’s revenues is critical to minimizing sales tax exposure.

Our taxability studies aim to give you a complete picture of the taxation of your products.  We strive to gain an in-depth understanding of your revenues so that we can properly classify them for sales tax purposes.  Sales tax rules are complex, and often lag behind new business advances.  We look at your revenues from all angles and analyze the applicable laws and their interpretations to arrive at our conclusions.

Our research and documentation provides with not just the ‘what’ but also the ‘why.'  We don’t just pull a summary chart that tells, for example, ‘SaaS is taxable in state X;’ we analyze your revenue stream to determine whether your offerings are properly classified as SaaS for sales tax purposes, as opposed to something else, such as an information service or professional service.  We believe our documentation is a valuable tool for future reference, as it sets forth the underlying facts as well as the tax provisions upon which our conclusions are based.

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