Managing Fraud Risk: Identifying and Preventing Corruption Schemes in Construction Companies
- Published
- Jan 15, 2010
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Fraud in the Construction IndustryAttributed to ACFE – Association of Certified Fraud Examiners – 2008 Report to the Nation
About the ACFE Survey
- Report done every 2 years, initially done in 1996.
- Based on surveys of CFE’s on cases investigated and resolved.
- 2008 report based on 959 cases across the country.
- Most authoritative survey of its type
CFMA – Fraud in Construction: Occupational Fraud
Definition: "The use of one's occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or application of the employing organization's resources or assets"
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners – 2006 Report on Occupational Fraud and Abuse
Summary of Findings
- Occupational fraud schemes frequently continue for years before they are detected.
- Corruption is most common form of occupational fraud (27%), fraudulent billing schemes (24%) second.
- Data shows that fraud is more likely to be detected by a tip than by audits, controls, or any other means.
- Implementing major controls appears to reduce the median loss.
- Industries most vulnerable - Banking and Financial Services (15%), government (12%) and healthcare (8%).
- Small businesses are especially vulnerable to occupational fraud. Same for 2006 survey. Check tampering and fraudulent billing were the most common small business fraud schemes.
- Lack of adequate internal controls was most commonly cited
- Most victim companies modified their internal controls AFTER discovering they have been defrauded.
- Occupational frauds were most often committed by the accounting department or upper management.
- Fraudsters are generally first-time offenders. Triangle of Opportunity, Incentive, Rationalization.
CFMA – Fraud in Construction Occupational Fraud |
Corruption | Asset Misappropriation | Fraudulent Statements |
Conflicts of Interest • Purchasing Schemes • Sales Schemes Bribery • Invoice Kickbacks • Bid Rigging Illegal Gratuities Economic Extortion |
Cash • Larceny • Fraudulent Disbursements • Skimming Non Cash • Misuse • Asset Requisitions / Transfers • False Sales / Shipping • Purchases / Receiving |
Financial • Asset / Revenue overstatement / understatement • Timing differences • Fictitious Revenues • Concealed liabilities and expenses • Improper Disclosures • Improper Asset Valuations Non Financial • Employment Credentials • Internal and External Documents |
Detection of Fraud Schemes
- TIP or COMPLAINT - Nearly half of cases in 2008 study were uncovered by a tip or a complaint from an employee, customer, vendor, or other source.
- Most helpful in government and public companies
- Most common in private companies
- Most helpful for private companies
Greatest source of tips is from other employees
- Employees should be trained to understand fraud and how it harms the organization
- Encourage employees to report illegal or suspicious behavior
- Reassure employees that reports may be made confidentially and the organization prohibits retaliation against whistleblowers
30% of Tips came from external sources – encourage customers / vendors / stakeholders to report improper conduct
Small Businesses
- Business with less than 100 employees generally have fewer or weaker controls in place, primarily due to lack of personnel
- Small business frauds are more likely to be detected by tip or accident
- Room for improvement in their proactive detection efforts.
CFMA – Fraud in Construction
Occupational Fraud
Definition: "The use of one's occupation for personal enrichment through the deliberate misuse or application of the employing organization's resources or assets" Association of Certified Fraud Examiners – 2006 Report on Occupational Fraud and Abuse
Possible perpetrators
- Clerks
- Managers
- Executives
- Owners/Principals
Conclusion: Anyone in the company
- Misappropriating assets
- Corruption
- Falsifying financial statements
Is it fraud or abuse?
- Clandestine
- Fiduciary violation
- Committed to obtain financial benefit
- Costs company assets, revenues, or reserves
Why do employees commit fraud?
Cressy’s Fraud Triangle:
- Ability to commit fraud
- Get away with it
- Greed/desir
- Pressure/need
- Crucial element
- Justifies act
- Opportunity – Area where the employer has the most control
- Incentive – Employer cannot control but may be observable
- Rationalization – Grayest area; hardest for employer to discern
- Misappropriating assets
- Corruption
- Falsifying financial statements
Frequency of Fraud Schemes:
Occupational Fraud - Median Loss:
Definition: Employee wrongfully influences a business transaction in order to procure some benefit for themselves or another person.
- Bribes
- Economic extortion
- Illegal gratuities
- Conflict of interest
Corruption - Bribes
Definition of Commercial Bribery: A business transaction where something of value is offered to influence a business decision.
- Differs from traditional bribery only in relation to what is being influenced.
- Kickbacks – Undisclosed payments made by vendors to employees of purchasing companies
- Bid rigging – Employee fraudulently assists a vendor in winning a contract
Kickback scheme commonalities
- Involve collusion between an employee and an outside party (vendor)
- Normally attack the purchasing function
- Consequently, purchasing employees are usually involved
Kickback scheme examples
Diverting additional business to a vendor
- Market pricing (where’s the harm?)
- No market incentive re: price and quality
- Incentive to recoup kickback
- Usually turn into overbilling scheme
- Vendor submits inflated invoice
- Higher than market pricing
- Shipped less product or lower quality product
- Fictitious invoice
- Employee may or may not have approval authority
Kickback payments
- Always a two-sided transaction
- Cash for kickbacks usually diverted to "slush fund"
- Non-company account
- Company checks to fictitious entity
- Paying false invoices
- Payments often charged as “fees” for consulting or other services
Bid rigging — In the context of bribes, bid rigging involves and illegal payment to an employee to assist a vendor in winning a contract.
- Employee fraudulently assists a vendor in winning a contract
- Subverts the bidding process
- Victim company’s employee tends to have influence in or access to bidding process
- High stakes in construction market (particularly in bad economic times)
Bid rigging categories:
Presolicitation phase
- Needs recognition schemes
- Specification schemes
- Tailoring/narrowing
- Prequalification requirements
- Vague specifications
- Bid splitting
- Advance look
Solicitation phase
- Bid rotation
- Fictitious suppliers
- Restricted bid period
Submission phase
- Abuse of sealed bid process
- Advance or inside information
Corruption – Economic Extortion
- Flip side of bribery scheme
- Employee demands payment to select vendor
- Pay up or else
- Transactionally the same as a bribe
Corruption — Illegal Gratuity — A gift given by a party who benefitted from a decision to the person who made the decision.
- Similar to bribe, but usually occurs after decision
- Often morph into bribery schemes
- May be a way to determine openness to a bribe
Generally follow a pattern
- Gifts, travel & entertainment
- Construction work, new windows, finished basement
- Cash
- Checks/financial instruments
- Hidden interests
- Loans
- Asset leases/sales below market
- Promises of favorable treatment
Corruption — Conflicts of Interest — Situations where an employee, manager, executive or partial owner has an undisclosed economic or personal interest in a transaction that adversely affects the company.
- May violate employee’s fiduciary duty owed to employer
- May violate terms of partnership, ownership or joint venture agreement terms
- Not all conflicts are economic
- Conflict vs bribery
- Approving fraudulent invoice for:
- Kickback, then its is bribery
- Fraudster’s company, then conflict of interest
- Transaction mechanics are the same
- Approving fraudulent invoice for:
- Purchase schemes
- Inflated prices
- Rig bids
- False invoices
- Sales schemes
- Under-market pricing
- Write-off A/R
- Compete with employer
- Divert employer’s clients to employee’s company
- Unique assets transactions
- Usually involves land, buildings or large equipment
- Fraudster owns an interest in the asset
- Fraudster impacts negotiations in his favor
- Land flips
- Resource diversions
- Fraudster uses employer’s materials, equipment, or labor to assist his own company
Corruption — Detection
Most corruption schemes detected through:
- Tips from honest employees
- Tips from disgruntled co-workers
- Tips from disgruntled outsiders
- Tips from disgruntled co-conspirators
Tip allegations need to be validated through investigation
Red flags
- People
- Transactions
Red flags related to fraudsters
- Bribe takers/embezzlers
- Big spender
- Gift taker
- Odd couple
- Rule breaker
- Complainer
- Genuine need
- Bribe givers
- Gift bearer
- Sleaze factor
- Too-successful bidder
- Poor products or services
- One person operation
Red flags related to transactions
- Material reorder points routinely missed
- Use of same vendor(s)
- Purchasing policies not followed or consistently bent
- Analytics
- Pricing trends year to year or project to project
- Trends relative to market pricing
- False statements in bid docs
- Sign-offs by unauthorized individuals
- Shortcutting or bypassing review proceduresv
- Bidders involved in developing bid docs
- Unusual variations in specification or contracts
- Short bid periods
- Vague terms in solicitation package
- Improper contact (business or social) with a bidder
- Acceptance of late bids/back dating of bids
- Changes to bid after all bids received (intentional errors)
- Patterns in bid awards
Analytics and corruption indicators
- Develop a body of historical data
- For each bid received
- For each bid awarded
- Actual costs for each contract
- By CIS number
- Cost/SQFT (installed)
- Unit prices
- Material prices by purchase unit
- Trend and compare historic data
- Year to year
- Project to project
- By sub/vendor
- By market
- By work (new, rehab, repair)
- By purchasing person
- Against competitors or industry metric
- Versus market pricing
- Look for departures from trends and anomalies
Conflicts of Interest
- Very difficult to uncover
- Discovery methods
- Tips
- Observation
- Analysis
- Other vendor complaints
- Employee complaints re: service or quality
- Lifestyles
- Financial problems
- Personal problems (divorce, addictions, relationships)
- Work habits (it takes time to run a side business)
- Involvement in areas of company outside of job duties
- Periodic comparison of:
- Vendor and employee addresses
- Vendor TIN’s and employee SSN’s (including listed relatives
- Vendor phone numbers to all employee phone numbers
- Full investigation of vendor ownership done and filed with periodic reviews/updates
- Periodically interview purchasing employees to identify vendors receiving favorable treatment
- Credit and background checks
- Must have signed employee permission form on hand
- State laws vary, so review with counsel
Stimulus Monies — ARRA — American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Purpose: Stimulate economy by accelerating "shovel ready" projects
- Applies FAR to Stimulus projects
- Applies other Federal requirements to Stimulus projects
- NEPA compliance
- Buy American
- Whistleblower
- Federal fraud and false claims
- Contractor reporting
- Federal oversight
NEPA Compliance
- National Environmental Policy Act
- Required even if project has completed an environmental review
- NEPA compliance issues could create delays to construction start
- Adjust your schedules, budgets and/or estimates
- ARRA requires reviews to be "completed on an expeditious basis"
- Fed will likely use a streamlined process
- Even so, delay impacts should be planned for
Buy American
- Generally:
- All steel, iron and manufactured goods produced or manufactured in U.S.
- "Unmanufactured" construction material must be domestic (e.g. sand)
- All components or subcomponents of manufactured construction materials can be foreign
- Normally 50% must be domestic
- Contracting Officer must mark-up non-compliant bids by 25%
- Any waiver should (must) be obtained prior to submitting offer
Whistleblower Protection
- Applies to all "non-Federal" employees
- State & local governments, contractors and subs
- Offenses expanded from fraud to also include:
- Mismanagement, waste, abuse, substantial danger to public health, or violation of law or regulation
- Whistleblower must have only "reasonable belief"
- Employee has low burden to prove reprisal
- Employer must show “clear and convincing evidence” that action against employee would have occurred regardless of whistleblower status
- Economic times may cause employees blow whistle to avoid firing or layoff
Fraud and False Claims
- Legislation
- Passed into law
- Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (5/09) ("FERA")
- Pending
- H.R. 1788 False Claims Correction Act
- S. 458 False Claims Clarification Act
- vH.R. 1667 War Profiteering Prevention Act
- Passed into law
- Protects TARP and other stimulus monies
- Authorizes funding to hire fraud prosecutors and investigators
- Extends False Claims Act to any false or fraudulent claim for government money or property whether or not:
- Claim is presented to government employee
- Government has physical custody of money
- Claimant intended to defraud the government
- Pending House and Senate bills
- Essentially apply FERA expansion of the FCA to all federal contracting
- War Profiteering Prevention Act
- Bill is still in Committee
- Aimed at U.S. companies with government contracts to provide goods and services overseas
- Establish criminal penalties for bid rigging, fraud, gross overcharging, delivery of faulty military parts, and environmental damage
Enhanced Quarterly Reporting
- Stimulus contracts in general require more extensive reporting and extend reporting to subs and material suppliers
- New FAR rule 52.204-11
- Applicable to any contract fully or partially ARRA funded
- Requires quarterly public on-line reporting of ARRA expenditures
- If prime or 1st tier sub, disclose names and total compensation of five highest-paid officers
- Reporting likely to be covered by FCA provisions
- Allows competitors access to ongoing projects’ cost and status
Enhanced Oversight
- Allows GAO access to prime and sub records
- Permits GAO to interview officers and employees of prime and subs
- IG powers expanded only to the prime contractor
- Contractors should:
- Increase internal and document controls
- Follow FAR to the letter
- Assure that consultants (CPA’s, attorneys and claims consultants) aware of changes to laws and regulations
- These new powers combined with new reporting means project performance issues need to be dealt with proactively
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