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Estates, Trusts and Private Foundations

EisnerAmper approaches detailed estate planning by reviewing more than our client’s current asset portfolio. Working in conjunction with a clien’ts attorney and financial advisory team, we consider the goals and plans the client has for the disposition of assets during life and beyond, the effect these dispositions have on the gross estate and the various tax implications these dispositions will have upon their estate plan.

Our clients are concerned with matters such as control over the family assets; the perpetuation of the family business; the family dynamic and the effect the disposition of assets will have on some family relationships. For the charitably inclined, there are concerns about how to incorporate contribution of funds and outright gifts to charities into their overall estate plan. In addition, we help clients plan for their retirement and consider the tax implications that this retirement planning will have on the lifestyle of the client into their golden years. Estate planning is therefore an all-inclusive term because we consider more than wealth transference upon death.

Our financial planning experts provide advice to wealthy individuals and their families, as well as to trusts, estates, and private foundations including consideration of:

  • Bypass Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Family Limited Partnerships
  • Grantor Annuity Trusts
  • Life Insurance Trusts
  • Marital Deduction Trusts
  • Personal Residence Trusts
  • Revocable Lifetime Trusts

We can also help you find practical strategies for estate planning through:

  • Appropriate Legal Ownership of Assets
  • Asset Protection Techniques
  • Health Care Proxies
  • Maximizing the Value of IRAs and Other Retirement Plans
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Review of Wills, Codicils and Trust Instruments
  • Selection of Trustees, Executors and Beneficiaries
  • Use of Life Insurance, Annuities and Long Term Care Insurance

The quality of our advising is reflected in the impressive list of individuals who rely on our tax services. Every one of our clients expects and receives the quality of service and personal attention that are the hallmarks of EisnerAmper.

What's on Your Mind?

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Karen L. Goldberg

Karen L. Goldberg Partner-in-Charge of the National Tax Trusts and Estates practice, within the Private Client Services Group. She specializes in estate planning for closely held business owners, senior corporate executives and other high net worth individuals.

Start a conversation with Karen