National Regulations Related to Disruption
Appropriations | Blockchain Support | Currency/Trading | Financial Innovation | Registration/Licensing | Securities/Banking | Tax
SB 1589
Introduced: 5/22/2019
Senate Fiscal Appropriations Bill 1589 (covering 2018, 2019, & 2020 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government) includes appropriation for a study on possible exploitation of virtualcurrencies by Terrorist Actors.
SB 1790
Introduced: 6/11/2019
This bill authorizes FY2020 appropriations and sets forth policies regarding the military activities of the Department of Defense (DOD), military construction, and the national security programs of the Department of Energy (DOE) - includes the ‘Stop Terrorist Use of 'VirtualCurrencies Act', calls for report by Dir. of Nat'l Intel & Treasury to report on the possible exploitation of virtualcurrencies by terrorist actors.
H.R.2154 - Digital Taxonomy Act of 2019 - Rep. Soto, Darren [D-FL-9]
Introduced: 4/9/2019
This Act may be cited as the “Digital Taxonomy Act of 2019”. This bill authorizes $25M to the Federal Trade Commission for each of fiscal years 2020 through 2024 to prevent unfair or deceptive acts or practices in transactions relating to digital tokens pursuant to section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45).
HR 2500
Introduced: 5/2/2019
This bill authorizes FY2020 appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It calls for Briefing on use of blockchain for defense purposes - including to improve cybersecurity of vulnerable assets.
HR 3494
Introduced: 6/26/2019
This bill reauthorizes for FY2020 intelligence activities in various U.S. government departments and agencies. It also establishes several intelligence-related programs and calls for reports on various topics including report on virtualcurrency use by terrorist actors.
Blockchain Support
H.Res.1102 - Expressing support for digital currencies and blockchain technology
Introduced: 9/28/2018
Expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should prioritize accelerating the development of blockchain technology to support transparency, security, and authentication in a way that recognizes its benefits and allows consumer protection while supporting future innovation.
H.R.922 - Virtual Currency Consumer Protection Act of 2019
Introduced: 1/30/2019
This bill would require the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to study how digital assets are being manipulated and which currencies are more susceptible to manipulation. It calls for an analysis on the extent of the CFTC's ability to conduct surveillance of these markets and the enforcement actions against those who are involved in manipulation.
Financial Innovation
Introduced: 3/4/2019
To establish a FinTech Council to designate a single primary regulator of eligible FinTech startups, to create the Offices of Financial Innovation, and for other purposes.
H.R.6974 / H.R. 528 - Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act
Introduced: 9/28/2018 & 1/14/2019
To provide a safe harbor from licensing and registration for certain non-controlling blockchain developers and providers of blockchain services.
Learn more about H.R. 6974 & H.R. 528.
H.R.1585 - Fair Investment Opportunities for Professional Experts Act
Introduced: Passed House / In Senate (part of The JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018 - known as JOBS Act 3.0)
This bill amends the Securities Act of 1933 to modify the definition of "accredited investor" for purposes of participating in private offerings.
H.R.41 - RESCUE Act for Black and Community Banks
Introduced: 1/3/2019
The Comptroller General of the United States shall carry out a study on blockchain technology and whether such technology could be used to increase investment by lower-income individuals in start-ups and other crowd-funded companies.
H.R.923 - U.S. Virtual Currency Market and Regulatory Competitiveness Act of 2019
Introduced: 1/30/2019
This bill would direct the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, consulting with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other agencies, to report to committees including Senate Banking and House Financial Services on how cryptocurrencies are regulated in the U.S. and other countries and detail the benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.
H.R.6973 - Safe Harbor for Taxpayers with Forked Assets Act of 2018
To provide temporary safe harbor for the tax treatment of hard forks of convertible virtual currency in the absence of administrative guidance.
H.R.828 - Investing in Opportunity Act
Introduced: 2/2/2017
This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to authorize the designation of opportunity zones in low-income communities and to provide tax incentives for investments in the zones, including deferring the recognition of capital gains that are reinvested in the zones.
H.R.7356 - Token Taxonomy Act
Introduced: 12/20/2018
To amend the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to exclude digital tokens from the definition of a security, to direct the Securities and Exchange Commission to enact certain regulatory changes regarding digital units secured through public key cryptography, to adjust taxation of virtual currencies held in individual retirement accounts, to create a tax exemption for exchanges of one virtual currency for another, to create a de minimis exemption from taxation for gains realized from the sale or exchange of virtual currency for other than cash, and for other purposes.