Forensic Accounting Services for Matrimonial Disputes
In an increasingly complex environment, marital disputes often result in costly, tiresome litigation.
While those involved in divorce proceedings should always carefully consider the personal and family issues at stake, it is important to consider the financial elements as well.
The reality is that divorces and matrimonial disputes are extremely stressful for all involved. EisnerAmper’s Forensic, Litigation and Valuation Services (“FLVS”) Group provides financial and accounting solutions to help you accurately value and protect your clients’ assets and marital estates.
Our team of seasoned and credentialed professionals work with attorneys at law firms of all sizes on business valuations, income and cash-flow analyses, lifestyle and benefit analysis, asset tracing, and as expert witnesses so that you can provide the most comprehensive and skilled services to your clients.
Our team has curated various trends and insights you need to know about matrimonial disputes and valuations.
Our team has curated various trends and insights you need to know about matrimonial disputes and valuations.
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